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Residential Colleges

Inspirational accommodation for a life-changing summer experience

Oxford Royale’s summer schools take place in world-renowned institutions, including colleges of Oxford University and Cambridge University. Click on a residential college to find out more about where you could be studying this summer.

Balliol College, Oxford

Founded in 1263, Balliol is one of the most prestigious colleges and boasts an impressive array of alumni, including four British Prime Ministers.

The Queen’s College, Oxford

A staggeringly beautiful college located on the High Street, founded in 1341 and named after Queen Philippa of Hainault, the wife of King Edward III.

Image shows St Peter's College.

St Peter’s College, Oxford

A small and friendly college, located right in the centre of town. The perfect location for students of all ages.

St Hugh’s College, Oxford

A Victorian college with a mix of modern and traditional buildings along with some of the most beautiful gardens in Oxford.

St Catherine’s College, Oxford

One of the most modern Oxford colleges (founded 1964), St Catherine's is a spacious, green college with a friendly atmosphere.

Keble College, Oxford

Founded in 1870, Keble College is one of the most prestigious colleges of the University of Oxford, built as a monument to John Keble.

Jowett Walk, Oxford

A modern annex of the medieval Balliol College, students can enjoy modern accommodation with plenty of green, open space.

The Palace of Westminster near our London Summer School

Imperial College London

One of the world’s most respected and prestigious academic institutions, consistently ranked in the top 10 universities worldwide.

Clare College, Cambridge

Founded in 1326, Clare is the second oldest of Cambridge’s 31 colleges, and has two sites on either side of the River Cam.

Oxford Royale at Yale

Students can follow in the footsteps of American presidents and business leaders at our prestigious Summer Course at Yale.

Barnard College, Columbia University

One of the most prestigious liberal arts colleges for women, Barnard combines the resources of an Ivy League institution with a close-knit, empowering community in the heart of New York City.

Oxford Royale and our Host Venues

Our programmes are independently run and are not endorsed by the universities, schools and colleges in which we operate.